5 Kid-Approved Earth Hour Activities—Nature's Path Blog, April 6, 2021

This article was written by Lise Boullard and originally published by Nature’s Path.

Wanna inspire your kiddos to love and respect Mother Earth? Flip the switch—the light switch, that is—and get them to participate in Earth Hour this Saturday, March 27th. It’s a global event where people around the world turn out the lights from 8:30 to 9:30 (local time) in support of Mother Earth! Earth Hour started in Sydney in 2007 and now takes place on the last Saturday of March each year.

Here are five ways your family can participate in Earth Hour—along with millions of people in over 180 countries and territories around the globe!

Star Gazing

Bundle up (hey, it’s still pretty chilly at night in March!), turn out at the lights at home, then head outside to soak up some starlight. For added fun (and a little education), get the kids to try and spot the constellations. Bonus points if you bring a star map, binoculars, or a telescope.

Backyard Camping

You don’t need to wait until summertime to pull out the camping gear! This Earth Hour, turn out the lights at your abode then sets off on an epic camping adventure—in your backyard. Level up your camping style by hanging string lights in the trees, pouring steaming mugs of hot chocolate (don’t forget the vegan marshmallows!), and sharing your scariest ghost stories.

Host an Earth Hour Party

Light a smattering of candles and display them around the living room, turn on your kids’ favourite music and create a buffet-style table filled with loads of snacks for a candlelit Earth Day party your family won’t soon forget.

Build a Fort

Collect a few sheets, pillows, and chairs, then get everyone in the family to participate in creating the Fort of All Forts right in your living room. Let the kids pick out a board game, grab a flashlight and crawl inside for an evening of fort fun!

Make S’mores

Do you happen to have a fire pit in your backyard? Lucky you. After you’ve turned the lights out indoors, head into the night to build a beautiful bonfire. To make the evening even more memorable, roast up some vegan marshmallows for some lip-smacking S’mores. No campfire? No problem. You can whip up these Stovestop S’mores in a snap.

Know someone who could use some Earth Hour inspo? Share this post with them! We hope you have a fabulous Earth Hour.

Lise Boullard